Sunday, May 1, 2011

Preparation for the future

Approximately 2 months ago I received a phone call from my cousin who wanted to discuss a business opportunity with me. My first response was I'm not interested. You have to understand that my husband and I have been approached with more than a few opportunities that promised to bring us immediate long term income that did not pan out, hence my response I'm not interested. A little time passed and every so often he would call to see if we had reviewed the opportunity and I tried to come up with every excuse in the book as to why we could not do it and then one day I began to think about what I had been praying about.  I had been praying that God would show us a way that we could attain financial freedom. My husband was totally against the idea but after telling him about my prayers and how this might possibly be an answer to them, we took the plunge figuring that we could at least make back the money we put into the business and if nothing else get our electricity for free, so it was kind of a win win situation for us.

The opportunity I am talking about is Ambit Energy. In the state of Texas and a few other states electricity has been deregulated and there are several companies from which you can choose to purchase your service from. Ambit Energy is one of the fastest growing companies in the United States. It is marketed under a multi-level marketing concept but what makes it different than other MLM companies is that it doesn't cost your customer anything to purchase it, it is something that they already use. It is just a matter of who they choose to purchase that service from. No one chooses to do without electricity unlike other products. The use of electricity is not effected by a down market.

We are a week into it and so far so good. If you are looking for an opportunity to supplement your present income and have residual income why not check out Ambit Energy. I will nor will anyone else pressure you to sell Ambit.  Ambit is just one of those things where it either makes sense to you or it does not. If it makes sense you will make the decision to come aboard, Check out my websites and let me know what you think. and

I'll be checking in to let you know how things go.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Today, I experienced one of the tougher times in this thing called life. For most parents having to see their child hurt or disappointed is one of the toughest parts of being a parent because as parents we do everything possible to keep them from hurt, harm and danger. Well my daughter has tried for the last three years to pass an entrance exam to get into the same school that her brother attends. We were believing that this third time would be a charm but unfortunately after speaking with the admissions director I learned that once again she had not done well enough to be admitted. I struggled all afternoon with how I would present this information to my daughter. I cried while at work, because having to tell her that once again her scores were not good enough was almost more than I could bear because the last thing I wanted her to feel was that she was not good enough. I began to question myself as to whether or not I should have even allowed her to test after she didn't get admitted the first time. I began to wonder whether or not this would cause irreparable damage. I then began to ask God to give me the right words to say to her when I picked her up from school. As usual my God stepped in. When she got in the car she asked if I had heard anything and I looked at her and right away by the look on my face she knew the answer. I began to tell her how sorry I was and that this in no an indication of her overall abilities and that I was very proud of her for not giving up and for going after what she wanted. I was almost at the brink of tears and she ended up comforting me and telling me that she was fine and that there are other schools and that she was okay, and here I was thinking that I was going to have to comfort her. Our conversation ended with, we know that God knows what's best, that when He closes one door he always opens another one and that His plans for us are far better than our own. I thank you Lord for helping me through this time. You are truly an awesome God! I can't wait to see what you have in store for her.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Chik Night with April Osteen Simons

Just wanted to let everyone know I had the most awesome time last night at an event called Chik Night at High Point Church in  Arlington, Texas. We've have been attending High Point for about the last 3 months and we believe this is the church that we will make our new church home, although New Bethany Baptist Church will always be a part of me because it is the church where I received my foundation in Biblical truth and they have the most awesome women's ministry in Fort Worth Texas in which I made a lot of really close friends.

Every Sunday morning since we started attending High Point they would advertise Chik Night but they never eluded to what it was all about so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I took cards and invited others as they asked that we do as well as posted it on my facebook page just because I believe in the church and what they are doing.  A friend posted back that she had been before and that it was very nontraditional but "it was off the chain". Well nontraditional it was but in a very good way. It was so much fun, just a whole bunch a women who came together in the name of the Lord to have a good time. Women in attendance were women from High Point Church as well as other women's ministries from other churches even one from as far away as Kokomo Indiana. There were dances by some of the students that attend the school there, the emcee Todd was so funny, they played funny videos,  they gave away gifts, chocolates and Chik-Fil-A. Everything was designed to spread joy and laughter. Pastor April stated before she shared her message that she wanted the night to be one where women could just let go of the stresses of life for one night and have a good time and that we did.

I thought I would share a few of the quotes from her message. Her message so lined up with the theme of my blog. I was truly inspired by her message and am going to work really hard to live it. The theme of the message was rain.
  • If you are going to enjoy the journey you have to stop magnifying the chaos
  • Make the decision to enjoy your journey
  • It's not about religion, it's about God
  • Are you going to just stand in the rain and get wet or are you going to dance in it.
  • A Chik full of joy can bust the enemy's backside
  • Enjoy the rain because without it there would be a drought
  • After the rain comes the rainbow
Can't wait till the next Chik Night.

Listen to sermons from High Point Church by clicking here

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Your Vote Counts

The following is a link to a site where you can vote for the opportunity for my coworker's son to win a scholarship.  He had to write an essay to enter but the  scholarship is awarded based on popular vote.   Please support me by supporting her in this effort. One day you might need someone to do the same for you.  Thank you in advance for your support.

Help me win a $3,000 college scholarship. Vote for my essay!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Emotions of the Day

6:45am-Anxiety.......Rushing to get son to school on time for a trip to New Mexico
7:40am-Apprehension.......With God's Help I was able to let go and see my son off
7:50am-Anxiety......Rushing to get daughter to school, make a stop at Chick-Fil-A to get breakfast and end up backing into another car-so thankful no damage was done and that the lady was so nice about it.
7:55am-Very Angry with myself for doing something so stupid like backing into a car
8:00am-Relief......Made it to school just in time
8:35am-Arrive at work......Normal Frustrations of the Work Day.........5:55pm-Finally leave work
6:30pm Driving to pick daughter up from bible study.....Shock.....Husband phones tell me while searching the internet he sees the obituary of his ex-wife, the mother of his adult son who he is estranged from....Sadness, Concern
7:30pm Driving home.....Reflecting on this thing called life 
10;28pm Relief.....son calls and says he made it safely to New Mexico.

Thank you God for allowing me to make it through yet another day.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring-A Regeneration of Life


Today is the last day of a 31 day study of Proverbs.  This was my first time reading the entire book of Proverbs and I was truly blessed by the wisdom in this book. This is one book of the bible that I forsee my self reading daily because of its applicability to life. Thank you for your app. It helped me experience the Bible in a whole new light.

Dear God, Help me to be like the Proverbs 31 Woman. Let the words of Proverbs 31:26 be words that I live my life by. In Your Son Jesus' name I pray

Proverbs 31:26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.