7:40am-Apprehension.......With God's Help I was able to let go and see my son off
7:50am-Anxiety......Rushing to get daughter to school, make a stop at Chick-Fil-A to get breakfast and end up backing into another car-so thankful no damage was done and that the lady was so nice about it.
7:55am-Very Angry with myself for doing something so stupid like backing into a car
8:00am-Relief......Made it to school just in time
8:35am-Arrive at work......Normal Frustrations of the Work Day.........5:55pm-Finally leave work
6:30pm Driving to pick daughter up from bible study.....Shock.....Husband phones tell me while searching the internet he sees the obituary of his ex-wife, the mother of his adult son who he is estranged from....Sadness, Concern
7:30pm Driving home.....Reflecting on this thing called life
10;28pm Relief.....son calls and says he made it safely to New Mexico.
Thank you God for allowing me to make it through yet another day.
Lovely. Just very lovely.